Photophysics Unit

Unit Manager
Dr. Javier Pérez Hernández


The main projects developed in the Photophisics Unit during 2018 are the following ones:

– Design and setup of a system containing a user tuneable current source
– Improvement and setup of a of a pulsed xenon lamp. Integration and synchronization with the laser source.
– Advice in TAS measurements for different research groups.
– TAS data processing.
– Unit instrumentation maintaining: solar Simulator repairs, IPCE calibration, TAS Systems alignment.
– LED Systems setup.

The number of experiments in the self-service mode equipment during the last three years can be seen in the chart.

Photophysics Unit, Except Solar Simulator (experiments)


  1. Seminar on spectroscopic characterisation: fluorescence & TAS. Dr. Fernando Bozoglián, Dr. Javier Pérez and Dr. Noufal Kandoth (post doc Julio Lloret) (3.5h, 3rd Ooctubre)